lucy, you have some ‘splainin’ to do!

Okay, I missed two whole days of blogging. Normally, I’d be spewing excuses of this and that about how I wanted to blog but couldn’t. But this time I’ll just summarize it into two words and leave the rest to you: Party & Hangover.

Moving along, I found out that I have no class today. What reason? I have no foggy idea. It might be Chinese New Year but I don’t know why the school would suspend class over something like that. We’re not exactly a Chinese school or anything. The only complaint I have is that I didn’t know it earlier. I actually had a gut feeling there woudln’t be any but I figured that I better go just in case I was wrong (like many, many times before).

So it’s Chinese New Year. To help keep the season, I’ll put up some forecasts for me (Fire Tiger) followed by my usual skeptical sarcastic translation. Enjoy. says:

Tiger Ratings

27% (3 neutral and 9 unfavorable months)
From the outset, 2009 may present some true challenges for the Tiger. The year of the Ox presents an overwhelming influence upon the Tiger to maintain a steady and well disciplined pace. That is not to say that there won’t be opportunities for achievement, but it would be more precise to say that this is a year that would benefit the Tiger in the areas of experience and possibly lay a solid foundation for the year to come. You will have to be resourceful and rely on your boldness and quick wit to ascertain anything in the year of the Ox.

I say: 2009 will suck. If I do survive, it’ll be by the hair on my legs. says:

Tiger Relationships

The Tiger’s relationship may be one of the more favorable areas this year. You can look forward to some happy times with your loved one this year. Though your domestic life may be busy, it can bring you much satisfaction. Be aware of the fact that those around you hold you in high regard and you may not want to jeopardize these relations by your independence or by being too stubborn. Pay attention to the thoughts and feelings of others in your life and everything should work out well for you.

I say: I might get laid this year. Might but not likely. Oh, people will probably tell me I shouldn’t and I should listen to ’em. says:

Tiger Wealth

Take caution when it comes to your finances this year, as it is not a time to speculate or take any unnecessary risks. Plan your large purchases carefully and avoid impulse buying. The best advice is to monitor your spending throughout the year and you won’t have any problems. This may sound like simple advice, but due to your generous nature, it may not be as simple as it sounds.

I say: Nothing will change. I’ll probably remain dirt poor.

That wasn’t a full forecast since most of this stuff is so generic, it will most likely get fulfilled at one point or another within the year. But hey, I have to say that I am flattered by the site’s description of my sign: says:

Tigers may not be the king of the jungle, but these striped cats are no softies! Magnetic and self-possessed, Tigers are born leaders. They have an air of authority that prompts others to fall in line, which is exactly how they like it. Although they are magnetically charming and fun to be around, Tigers like to go it alone sometimes too. A Tiger’s main interest is in following its ambitions — and maintaining control.

A bit of caution is a good thing around Tigers, since they can pounce without warning. They experience mood swings and often feel things more intensely than others, the latter quality being both good and bad. They can react poorly under stress and are prone to emotional outbursts. This Sign’s bristling sensitivity can send friend and foe running for cover.

The above description is a fairly accurate description of me so I don’t completely shun this. 2009… Let’s get it on! Now I just need to translate that into Chinese.

~ by SwordNine on 01.26.09.

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